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One Community
One Community
Runnymede United Church and Windermere United Church merged on 1 June 2023 into one community of faith called Runnymede United Church, a two-campus church with a mission centred in West Toronto.
The steps leading up to that event can be found on our Merger Page.
This One Community page in our website is a place for updates and news on the integration of our two churches and to describe the many new initiatives and opportunities for partcipation taking place at our church.
Community Outreach Ministry
An important initiative of our merged church is to combine our assets and ideas in a Community Outreach Ministry and Engagement Team (COMET) to serve the needs of our Swansea and Bloor West Village neighbourhoods.
Here is our first update:
Update on Community Outreach and Engagement Ministry (June 2023)
Two Campus Church
Get to know our two buildings, where you can have meetings and events, how to arrange for meeting space, meet our anchor tenants and get comfortable with the two campus concept!
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Groups, activities, contacts - how to navigate our new combined church.
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